Monday, April 26, 2004

Only one more week until Golden Week! I can’t wait. I think I am going to go hiking every day during Golden Week. This last weekend I didn’t get a chance to go hiking because I was still feeling a little bit sick from my cold. Holy Cow, was I ever sick last week. I totally lost my voice, and I could barely talk. It was so difficult teaching, because I could hardly say anything at all!

Anyway, this weekend I didn’t go hiking, but I still had a good time. I went to the Osaka Aquarium on Saturday, and I think this is one of the best aquariums I have ever been to. The huge Pacific Ocean tank was just amazing, and I was fascinated by the sun fish. I didn’t even know that there was such a thing as a sun fish. However, I felt a little bit sad for the sun fish, because he looked kind of sad and lonely in his tank. He was separated from all the other fish, and he was kept in a kind of plastic cage inside of the fish tank. I guess sun fish are almost blind, and if he wasn’t kept in a separate plastic cage, he could hurt himself on the glass walls of the tank. I felt really bad for him.

After the aquarium, I went on the Ferris Wheel. I guess the Ferris Wheel is the largest Ferris Wheel in the world, or something like that. I was really lucky because it was a clear blue day, and I could see for miles. The view was just amazing.

After hanging out in Osaka port for a while (that’s where the aquarium and the Ferris Wheel are), I took the subway to Umeda. In Umeda I had probably some of the most amazing food I have ever eaten in my life! I went to a Miyazaki Restaurant where I had the “Kuruma” dinner. Everything was made with chicken. I even had chicken sashimi and chicken sushi. I was a little bit scared eating raw chicken, I mean, if I ate raw chicken in Canada I think I would immediately die of salmonella poisoning, but I was okay. In fact, it was really delicious.

Anyhow, I didn’t die after eating raw chicken, and I am ready to teach for another week at Kansai Gaidai University.


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